Canine Care
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This is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid.  It is made with actual silver particles that get suspended into water.  You have parts per million as a dosage strength. Colloidal Silver can be used anywhere on the body and taken internally.  It is safe for the eyes and ears and to drink.  When treating eye infections, I will use colloidal silver along with an antibiotic and it speeds the recovery.  Just space out by at least 2 hours giving the colloidal silver if you have already given an antibiotic or the colloidal silver will wash the antibiotic away. It is fantastic for inner ear fluid and ear infections.  Warts or unknown bumps on the skin can be treated daily. Colloidal Silver in anti viral, anti fungal and will treat protazoas. Order from

CINNAMON  (of course not the sugar blend, just Cinnamon) Add to food. Did you know that in humans and dogs it has been proven that cinnamon can lower blood sugar. Dr. Julian Whitaker has a book out on human diabetes. 

TURMERIC Add to food as it's anti cancer for both people and pets. Also is used for other things - read more here.

DIATOMACEOUS EARTH (HUMAN FOOD GRADE ONLY!)   A natural wormer.  This is great for killing ants and fleas without any harmful pesticides for your pet or children to get into.  It is completely safe.  It is taken internally for parasites and protozoas.  It works safely and over time.  Use for 30 days at a rate of 1/2 tsp for puppies and kittens and 1 tsp for adult cats and dogs under 35 lbs.  This product again can be ordered form They carry organic, human food grade quality.  This is very important to get because the type for just yard use can have a lot of silica in it, which you do not want to take internally. Also ALWAYS make sure it's added to food WET. Do NOT let your pet breath it. It's dangerous to inhale as a dust!
To learn all the benefits of diatomaceous earth then go to the link above for Wolf Creek Ranch or click here. ADDICTION DEHYDRATED Pet foods (top pick food for us) actually has this in their ingredients. Used in conjunction with BENTONITE CLAY It also removes other toxins and chemicals from the body while helping bones and coat. Like D.E above only give WET and do not inhale! Read more here. Do NOT give to very small pregnant animals such as cats, guinea pigs, etc. and do NOT feed continually to babies or small animals such as cats, hamsters, etc. DE can be fed on a continuous basis to larger animals and livestock for continuous parasite control and mineralization.
NUTRI-STAT / Nutri-Cal A high calorie nutritional supplement with omega acids and vitamins.  Toy breed puppies are more prone to hypoglycemia during their first 6 months, so this is a must to have on hand.  I send all puppies to their new homes with a tube of this.  If you have a puppy crashing, this can save their life. It has B vitamins to help with stress. This is a must before bed and during initial outings and new stressful situations for your puppy. Most dogs and puppies think it is liquid candy. Hypoglycemia is when a puppy's blood sugar gets too low.  Just like a diabetic, the sugar and nutrients can keep them alive and from going into a coma or worse. If you give too much you just may make their stools a little loose, so don't worry about over doing it.  For a puppy a 1/2 inch to 1 inch on your finger a couple times.  If you have a puppy that has gone lock jawed or semi-comatose then pry their mouth open and just swab some in their mouth.  It will dissolve and they will get the benefit.  You can have a puppy totally out of it and within 30 seconds to 1 minute looking around and becoming more alert. At that point you can start giving them more and get them back to acting normal and then follow up with food  and water if they can eat.


BENTONITE CLAY is a natural detoxifier for the body.  You can find it in liquid form at most health food stores.  It doesn't really have a taste.  It does not need to be refrigerated and is easily administered with a syringe. This can be ordered from

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL  I keep capsules of activated charcoal on hand in case of poisoning or ingestion of anything toxic.  This is a good thing to have on hand for people and pets.  This is what your vet will give a cat or dog in liquid form when they have ingested rat poison or antifreeze. It will absorb the toxins in their stomach and intestinal tract.  Milk is always a first to give if you suspect any kind of toxin, whether elemental, like a skink, toad or mushroom; or chemical like antifreeze, rat poison or any other pill or household chemical.  Milk, activated charcoal and get your pet to the vet immediately.  Time can save your pet's life and keep toxins from damaging their kidneys or liver.


TEA TREE OIL It is  an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial oil.  It will numb so for pets you must use it at a 15% ratio.  NEVER use full strength on your pet.  I mix it up into a spray by taking
2 Tablespoons Tea Tree Oil
4 Tablespoons Vodka
1 teaspoon Lavender Oil
I mix these together to disperse the oil, then add 3/4 cup of water.  Pour into a glass spray bottle and shake before each use.
This mixture works for cuts, insect bites, rashes, sunburn.  It will cure a fungus quickly. It is great to treat mange, ringworm, skin or ear mites.  It soothes the skin and has all the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial benefits. Do not use in or around the eyes.

BAG BALM  This product has been around since the late 1800's.  It is sulphur based.  It is a salve that is an antiseptic and a drawing salve.  I use it for  spider or other unknown insect bites. It soothes and heals. It was originally made to treat the udders of cows when the calves have nursed too hard and made the udders raw.  You would want to wipe it off before any puppies nursed again from their mother.  If your pet gets a thorn in their pad, then bag balm will help draw out anything left in the paw.  I have had splinters in my finger that were just too small or too imbedded to get out.  I cover the spot with Bag Balm and wrap with a bandage. The next day the splinter has been drawn to the surface and just comes right out.  It is great for cuts and scrapes as well. It heals hot spots up very quickly, usually 2-3 days using just twice a day.
DISTRESS REMEDY / Bach Rescue Remedy A blend of flower essences formulated by Dr. Bach in the 1800's. This is great for times of distress. It is formulated for people and is used with great success for pets.  A lot of show people use this to keep their dogs calm without medication. I've used it for first time moms during delivery, for injuries, for nervousness and have taken it myself when the situation is just too distressing.


BORAX  Yes, this is the 20 Mule Team Borax you use for laundry.  It will kill skin mites in your laundry and will kill mites and fleas if sprinkled on the ground or floors. Do not let animals inhale.

This is a great link with great tips!